Project: Implement new Data Science and A.I Program, a world-first program in computational science, specializing in data science, artificial intelligence, and big data from a biological perspective
Objective: Meet the need for cutting-edge science education to develop future scientists for the benefit of Israel’s economy and defense.
Impact: The Data Science and A.I Program will cater to 70 students per year.
Science is a gateway to engineering and high tech – critical and highly-valued professions in the Start-Up Nation. HEMDA offers a positive learning environment where students can share ideas and knowledge, engage in scientific inquiry, and excel, regardless of their background. Given HEMDA’s outstanding academic success, student demand is constantly increasing. HEMDA also helps to develop the next generation of scientists for Research &
Development (R&D) in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), academia and business who will lead the State of Israel and the world into the future. Science and technology are instrumental to Israel’s defense and economy. Therefore,
a pipeline of expertise in physics, chemistry and computer science is essential to retain Israel’s competitive advantage as the ‘Start-up Nation’.
Given HEMDA’s focus on excellence and the important role it plays for both individual students and the State of Israel, it is essential that its curricula reflect advances in science and remain cutting-edge.
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